My name is Aqilah Elshabazz Pope and at some point -whether it was through an advertisement, social media, or past/present personal training- I was a part of your wellness journey.
PLFG Fit is going through a rebrand and is now Holistically Fit!
Although I loved my years helping clients lose weight and “get shredded”, I am now far more interested in helping my clients form long-term and sustainable habits that allow them to have a healthy relationship with fitness and nutrition.
Yes, by working with and following me you can still lose weight, gain muscle and improve your body comp but I believe those things are simply side effects of a healthy wellness journey.
A part of the rebrand will be this newsletter Mindfull Mornings ~no this is not a typo~.
In each newsletter, I will be sharing my weekly insights and discoveries about wellness, sustainability, and productivity because I believe improving in all of these aspects improves your quality of life.
If that sounds interesting to you, I look forward to bringing you along this journey, if not, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
Regardless, I thank you for allowing me to have been a part of your journey.
Wishing you all radiant health,